Who Can Apply for EBT Card

Anyone who meets the eligibility requirements can apply for an EBT card. These requirements are based on income level and household size. EBT cards are typically issued to low-income individuals and families to help them purchase food and other essentials.

Income Eligibility

One of the main criteria for determining eligibility for an EBT card is income level. Individuals or families must have an income below a certain threshold to qualify for the program. The specific income limits vary by state and are updated annually. Generally, those who receive benefits from other assistance programs like Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) automatically qualify for an EBT card.

Household Size

The size of the household is also taken into consideration when determining eligibility for an EBT card. The more people in the household, the higher the income limit for qualification. This is to ensure that larger families with more mouths to feed are not excluded from receiving assistance.

Citizenship Status

In order to apply for an EBT card, individuals must be legal residents of the United States. Non-citizens who are legally present in the country may also be eligible for the program, depending on their immigration status. Undocumented immigrants are generally not eligible for EBT benefits.

Work Requirements

  • Some states may have work requirements for EBT eligibility. This means that individuals must either be employed or actively seeking employment to qualify for benefits.
  • However, there are exemptions for certain groups, such as pregnant women, individuals with disabilities, and seniors.

Asset Limits

Household Size Asset Limit
1 $2,250
2 $3,500
3 $4,500

Asset limits may also apply for EBT eligibility. Individuals or families with assets above a certain threshold may not be eligible for benefits. Assets include things like savings, vehicles, and property.


Overall, the EBT program is designed to provide assistance to those in need. By meeting the income, household size, citizenship, work, and asset requirements, individuals and families can apply for an EBT card to help supplement their food and nutrition needs. If you believe you meet the criteria, you can contact your state’s Department of Social Services to apply for an EBT card.