Can You Purchase Dog Food With EBT Card – Everything You Need to Know

Yes, you can purchase dog food with an EBT card. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) allows beneficiaries to use their EBT cards to buy certain food items, including pet food, as long as it is intended for the household pet and not for human consumption.

Eligible Items for Purchase with EBT Card

When using an EBT card, you can purchase a variety of food items for your household, including:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Meat, poultry, and fish
  • Dairy products
  • Grains and bread

Types of Pet Food Allowed

While you can purchase pet food with an EBT card, there are certain guidelines to follow. The pet food must:

  1. Be intended for consumption by household pets
  2. Clearly state “pet food” on the packaging
  3. Not contain added vitamins or minerals

Restrictions on Non-Food Items

EBT cards are strictly for purchasing food items, so they cannot be used to buy non-food items such as:

  • Pet toys
  • Medications
  • Grooming products

How to Identify Eligible Items in Stores

When shopping for pet food with your EBT card, look for products that meet the USDA guidelines for SNAP benefits. You can ask store employees for assistance or check the packaging for the following:

Requirement Example
Clear “pet food” labeling Brand X Dog Food
Avoid added vitamins or minerals Basic Dog Food

Reporting Ineligible Purchases

If you accidentally purchase non-eligible items with your EBT card, you are required to report the error to the SNAP office. Keeping accurate records of your purchases can help prevent accidental misuse of benefits.

In conclusion, while you can purchase dog food with an EBT card, there are specific guidelines to follow to ensure you are using your benefits appropriately. By understanding the rules and restrictions, you can make the most out of your SNAP benefits while providing for your household pet.