Can You Manually Enter EBT Number at Walmart

Yes, you can manually enter your EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card number at Walmart to make purchases. This option is available at most Walmart stores to accommodate customers who may have issues with their EBT cards or prefer to enter the number manually for security purposes.

How to Manually Enter EBT Number at Walmart

Manually entering your EBT card number at Walmart is a simple process that can be done at the point of sale terminal. Follow these steps to complete your transaction:

  • Inform the cashier that you will be manually entering your EBT card number.
  • Hand over your EBT card so the cashier can verify it.
  • Enter your EBT card number into the keypad when prompted.
  • Follow any additional instructions provided by the cashier or terminal.
  • Complete your purchase as usual.

Benefits of Manually Entering EBT Number at Walmart

Manually entering your EBT card number at Walmart can offer several benefits, including:

  1. Increased security: By entering your EBT card number yourself, you can reduce the risk of fraud or unauthorized use.
  2. Convenience: If your EBT card is damaged or not scanning properly, manual entry allows you to still make purchases.
  3. Privacy: Some customers prefer to enter their EBT card number themselves for privacy reasons.

Common Issues with Manually Entering EBT Number at Walmart

While manually entering your EBT card number at Walmart is generally straightforward, there are some common issues that may arise, such as:

Issue Solution
Card not accepted Double-check the number you entered and try again. If issues persist, contact customer service.
Keypad not responsive Inform the cashier and ask for assistance. They may be able to enter the number for you.
Incorrect amount charged Review your receipt and contact customer service if there are discrepancies.

Tips for Entering EBT Number at Walmart

To ensure a smooth transaction when manually entering your EBT card number at Walmart, consider the following tips:

  • Double-check your EBT card number before entering it to avoid errors.
  • Keep your EBT card secure and out of sight when entering the number.
  • Follow any instructions provided by the cashier or terminal for a successful transaction.


Manually entering your EBT card number at Walmart can be a convenient and secure way to make purchases using your benefits. By following the steps outlined above and being mindful of common issues, you can ensure a smooth transaction every time you shop.